Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to business activities aimed at making a contribution with regard to environmental and social issues. Companies are inextricably linked with the communities within which they operate and as such affect and are affected by these communities. They need to recognize the responsibility they have toward the society and the environment within which they operate, including the principles and values of the host culture This includes ideas such as interpersonal respect and equal opportunities, as well as respect for the environment that we share.

CSR, then, is about socially responsible attitudes that are supported voluntarily by companies and demonstrated through the application of policies, practices and social programs as well as being integrated into their activities. Although this is not a new idea, CSR has become a priority for businesses that are concerned about viable development.

The involvement of companies in remedying social and environmental problems is now seen by many as a necessity – especially due to the inability of local and national governments to protect the environment in an increasingly competitive global society. Since Lisbon 2000 EU leaders have been inviting representatives of major employers’ organizations to contribute to this cause. The issue of Corporate Social Responsibility is something that concerns us all wherever we find ourselves in the social hierarchy. In a society that is constantly evolving, no one can remain indifferent to equality of opportunity and the encouragement of positive initiatives.

Recognizing the importance of participation in helping to develop responsible attitudes towards issues like the environment, proper management of natural resources, attitudes towards diversity, immigration and help for people with disabilities, as well as product quality and safety, are some of the core issues entailed in the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.
